Tuesday, July 21, 2009

After the rain

I took a nap today. It was a dark and rainy day, perfect for napping. I never take naps, but it was nice to get some much needed rest. I get woken up most mornings by Revelry playing over the loudspeakers on post at 0630, and my rest is just shot after that- tossing and turning, trying to ignore the dogs licking and poking me to get up and let them outside. Sometimes I wake up and Heisman is staring at me. As soon as I open my eyes he licks my face and jumps off the bed, running toward the door barking. That's hard to ignore. But, I digress.

After my nap I decided to take a bike ride since it had stopped raining, and I got to experience the post like I never have before. Usually if it's raining I just stay inside or run around doing errands in the car, so I've never taken the time to stop and take in the smells and how it feels outside after the rain. It was amazing. Every smell was enhanced and the color of the sky highlighted textures I've never noticed before...plus it was a ton of fun to ride through the puddles and mud! It's just not a good ride unless you have mud running down your legs and back afterwards :)

One of the things I love about Colorado is how cool it is after rain, especially after the toasty couple of weeks we've been having. I can walk outside without my glasses fogging up, without a swarm of mosquitoes surrounding me, and without my lungs drowning in the humidity! But, don't get too jealous- I was nervous to ride up a certain part of post because of the bears. You don't get that in Texas :)

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