Friday, July 10, 2009

On a roll

I decided to take advantage of all the services I can while we are in the military, and one of the services provided at our hospital is Nutrition. I have an appt set for Tuesday with a dietician to go over my eating habits and do an overall health screening. I just had my well woman exam a couple of months ago, but I can't get the results for the anything but the pap without an appt with my primary care manager, and that takes weeks. So, as soon as I get results back I will post'll be cool to see how much they change in the coming weeks!

I also went to the gym on post for the first time today. There are actually 4 or 5 full gyms available for use, so I really have no excuses for not working out. I usually use the equipment at our housing office because it's pretty close to my house, but their hours aren't as convenient, and I fell in love with the fitness center that Edward used when he was here. There are a TON of machines, and all sorts of classes that I can attend. Everything is free except the classes, but they are only $2/session, which is still cheaper than buying a membership somewhere else. I love the Army today. Ask me tomorrow, might get a difference response, but today it rocks!

My main reason for going to the gym today was to sign up for a team weight loss challenge that the post is having. It's 12 weeks long, and there will be prizes for most weight loss for teams and individuals. I'm looking forward to starting...first weigh in is next Wednesday. They put me on a team with other individuals that didn't have a team, and our name is the Fighting Fatties :) I'm pretty sure I'm the only female on my team, so hopefully I represent well! There will be a weigh-in every week, and if you miss the weigh in you have to pay $2 (which goes toward the prize money) and if you GAIN weight you have to pay $2/pound gained! I think that's a pretty cool incentive to keep losing! I'm excited!

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