Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Things I'll be able to do....

There are certain things that I have not been able to do in a while because of being overweight. Many of these things are probably taken for granted by those of you who are within a normal weight range. But these are things that I am looking forward to when the weight comes off....

  1. Crossing my legs.
  2. Not feeling paranoid about other people talking about me.
  3. Shopping in the Ladies section of a regular department store rather than the Plus/Women's section.
  4. No longer being the fattest person in the room.
  5. No longer worrying if I will fit in a chair or if I will break it. (I did this once in front of my brand new neighbors!)
  6. Weighing less than my husband.
  7. Not looking like a pig when I eat especially in public.
  8. Feeling comfortable in an airplane seat, movie theater seat, and a stadium seat.
  9. Taking more pictures without feeling like a big blob.

There are several more things that I will not post because they are more personal. But I think you get the idea. I have been overweight for most of my life and I really don't remember ever not feeling self conscience about it. In fact, I remember when I was in 3rd grade and my teacher posted EVERYBODY's weight on the blackboard. She made us each go up to the front of the class and she weighed us and wrote our name on the board with our weight. I don't remember why she did it, but I remember that I weighed more than everyone except for one boy. It was completely embarrassing! That was the point when I realized that I was different than the other kids. Now that I have kids of my own I want to set a good example for them and make sure they do not go through the pain I went through for most of my life. So now you probably know more about me than you ever wanted to know. Thanks for listening!


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