I want a chocolate chip cookie so bad right now. Actually, I want a whole pan of chocolate chip cookies. I would even go for a roll of chocolate chip cookie dough. Or just a chocolate chip.
I tried the whole "Eat fruit instead of the fatty food you're craving" idea...yeah. I don't care who you are or where you're from, if you taste a chocolate chip cookie and you are craving a chocolate chip cookie, canteloupe is not going to fill that craving. I ate canteloupe. I ate strawberries. I ate cheese and crackers. I ate carrots. I still want a chocolate chip cookie. I'll probably still want one tomorrow. But I can't eat just one if I buy a package of dough, so I'm going to have to wait until I go to a party where there's some already made and I can have just one.
I've been getting rid of foods in my house that tempt me too much. I'm not an emotional eater, and I don't eat when I'm bored, but when I taste something I really, really like I'll eat and eat and eat until it's gone without even realizing it. For example, I made cinnamon rolls the other day, and I had one right when they came out of the oven and I put the icing on- they were still warm :) Before I even knew it I had eaten FIVE!! They were small, but still! FIVE! I was so unsure whether I could stop myself from eating more that I took the rest to my neighbor right away.
I have been doing that a lot lately. There were left over chocolate bars, marshmallows and graham crackers from our camping trip, and one day I ate TWO s'mores after dinner! All in all it was just one serving of each of the ingredients, but I should have stopped at one s'more. I should have stopped at none. So I had to give away the chocolate bars and marshmallows. Yesterday for dinner I bought a roasted chicken at the grocery store and I decided to buy a package of Kings Hawaiian bread rolls to go along with it. Hawaiian bread is my achilles heel. I could literally eat a whole loaf of Hawaiian bread and not even feel guilty about it...yum. But the serving size of the rolls is one roll. While I was at the store I was absolutely sure I would eat the whole package in two days (if not lastnight) that I passed it up at first. They were on sale, so they were right there in front of the store when I walked in. Then when I went to check out- BAM!- they were right there again, I had to get them. What can I say? They serendipitously appeared at the register, calling my name. But, I steeled myself for the temptation and resolved right then and there that I was only going to eat one. I ate three. When I woke up this morning the package was sitting right there on my counter, calling my name. But I ate cereal and didn't think about them again until dinner, when I saw them on the counter again. I shoved my chicken tacos and strawberries down my throat, then grabbed the Hawaiian rolls and went to a friend's house, where I instantly handed the little boogers over to safer hands.
Man, it's tough work fighting temptation! Anyway, here's what I had to eat today:
Breakfast: Honey nut cheerios and one grapefruit
Snack: Pomegranate fruit roll
Lunch: Herb baked chicken breast, grilled squash, small salad and a banana
Snack: Peach, strawberries
Dinner: Chicken tacos in corn tortillas with cilantro, spinach, and yellow peppers
Snack: carrots, cheese, wheat thins, strawberries
No chocolate chip cookies :) But only because I worked out really hard today and I didn't want to waste it.